Check out our group's
Github respository.
- A BibDesk template to export LaTeX bibliography to XML compatible with Australia's NHMRC Sapphire platform. [zip]
- Co-word analysis algorithms implemented in R. The bundle includes the source code, input data, and output figures/statistics. The analysis pipeline was initially designed for this paper, and implemented for this paper. [html]
- AWARE-Light: A lightweight version of AWARE, for collecting questionnaire and sensor data from smartphones without programming. [html]
- AWARE: A middleware for context aware computing on smartphones. [html]
- CrisisTracker is an online platform that tracks crises reports on Twitter in realtime. [html]
- Database of facial expression images used in this paper. For this material email one of the co-authors. [html]
- Synthetic images of blood cells infected with malaria. These were used in the experiments described here and here. [zip]
- Urban mobility analytics is an online portal for exploring realtime and historic wireles mobility traces in captured in Oulu. [html]
- Geotrafics: A geographic traffic visualization tool for exploring vehicular traffic patterns in Oulu. [html]
- A PHP heatmap library. [html]
- A Javascript Firefly overlay library for Google Maps. [html]
- SAWA: a middleware for context aware computing on desktops. [html]
- DIY Bluetooth scanning and instructions. [html]
- Social network analysis bits. [html]
- Bluestation: A distributed Bluetooth capture-dissemination infrastructure written in Perl for Unix-like systems. [html]
- FastBlueScanner: A C Bluetooth scanner optimised for multi-dongle scanning and name-requesting. [html]
- CitywareScanner: A Java Bluetooth scanner for multi-platform support. Uses a single dongle, optimised for running on multiple platforms. [zip]
- Scanning Demo: A Java Bluetooth scanning demo with a realtime social network visualisation. [zip]
- Implementation of temporal graph algorithms - includes variants that rely on RAM, CPU, or hard disk space (depending on the size of the network you want to analyse). [zip]
- Implementation of partial quotients and the continued fractions algorithm in Maple. [zip]
- Implementation of Newton's method in Complex space using Maple. [zip]
- A simple lexer for a Very Simple Language. [zip]
- An LL(1) recursive descent parser for a Very Simple Language. [zip]
- An LR(1) parser using YACC for a Very Simple Language. [zip]